I've never been one of the brigade that takes a swipe at Microsoft
simply because it's Microsoft - the company that shapes our world as
much as any other on the planet.  But I sure got frustrated with their
bloody web site today - and there's a lesson or two for all of us who
have responsiblities to advise our clients on managing their web
sites. ..

I had a client call me and ask if he should install this Silverlight
thing the MS site wanted him to install.  I said I knew what it was
and didnt think there would be any reason why not but since he'd asked
me, i went and took a look at the site for myself.   Click on the
little "Silverlight" icon on the home page - I thought that would take
me to where i could see what it's about..    The 'Install" popup's
design seemed to give only one option - install Silverlight.  The "no
thanks" is almost invisible in my browser.   I navigated about and
eventually got to the SIlverlight page, to see what i could point my
client to so he'd know what it does.    What is silverlight?    Try to
find out.  YOU CANT!

When you go the SIlverlight page, the first thing (and presumably the
most important in Microsoft's view) is a large page of unreadable
legal gobbldegook called the "Privacy Policy".   After studying that
policy carefully (yeah right!) I clicked on "Overview" to see the page
i could point my client to.     Instead of giving me an overview, it
gives me an Install button again.   Oh wait, there's another
"Overview" link.  Click on it and there's a whole host of  alleged
benefits of SIlverlight - not one of which tells me anything.  They're
all motherhood statements that make Silverlight sound exactly like
everything between Windows3.1 and SQLServer2008.  What a weak selling
effort.    Lots of effort put into the graphics of this section but
about 30 seconds into the words,   And nary a word that actually
explains what Silverlight does in terms a novice might understand.
And not one reason .why the customer should go ahead and download it.

If you dont know anything about Silverlight, and you're one of the
great many people like most of my family and clients, there's nothing
understandable on the Microsoft site about SIlverlight.  The argument
boils down to "dont be a cry-baby - go ahead and download it  we're
Microsoft - how bad can it be for you??"

This whole thing is common in Microsoft's web site.    Just try to
find out, for example,  what's actually in the XPPro Service Pack 3.
 There's bug fixes and security updates,  and "some feature
improvements"  but there's no link anywhere to find out what those
feature improvements might be.   Apparently Microsoft doesnt think we
deserve to know what they are.   We're expected to manage our systems,
but just blindly install anything Microsoft says we should.

The point of all this is not to bash Microsoft, because they're far
from alone in this.   But we all have an obligation to our own site
owners to make sure we dont fall inlto the same mistake.   We must
always remember that while we are intimately involved with whatever we
are selling or promoting on our web site, many of our site visitors
arent.      For example, for every piece of software,  the site should
have aomething that answers the queston 'WHAT THE HELL IS IT?? - WHY


Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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