Mike, you and I are very alike we say it like we see it.

I only have one thing to say, as the message that seems to be drummed into
us. Is that we should get involved in our UG, well what if that user group
meets like 3 times a year?

If the UG managers can't organise a place for a community to get together,
on a regular basis like it is supposed to be once a month, why should we
feel like we are the ones not doing enough?

The buck starts at the top, and it drifts down into the trenches. Adobe
should be doing the marketing, promoting the product and getting into the
companies faces with incentives like Microsoft does. That would get more
people interested to even attend these user groups to begin with, it's not
my job to be a marketing / sales guru for a company that can't get off their
ass and do it, in a country that is seriously lacking the work and
developers to support the product.

-----Original Message-----
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Mike Kear
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2010 7:15 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [cfaussie] [ANN-SYD] CFBuilder Launch and CF App Architecture
for the Impatient

As to "regularly" complaining about the state of affairs of CF - i
have started one thread lamenting the lack of activity on Adobe's part
in selling ColdFusion about a year or so ago, and I joined a
discussion along with many others about 5 years ago.   Apart from
that,  despite some people's impressions to the contrary,  I have kept
my comments as positive as possible.

I should also say that the last time i raised this lack of activity in
Sydney,  I was roundly criticised for saying it.  The arguments mostly
goign along the lines of "you must be wrong about no activity in
Sydney because there are HEAPS of new servers going in right here in
<name of town>".    I was bounced off the wall by one pillar of the
coldfusion community for daring to criticise Adobe,   only to get a
private email a day later from this same person (well connected inside
Adobe) saying that he believed that Adobe senior management and
Macromedia's before them had considered the Australian subsidiary as
less than brilliant when it came to ColdFusion.  (actually he was a
lot more blunt than that!)  In other words, this person who you all
know said "YOU'RE WRONG!" on the CF-talk list,  and "I quite agree
Mike" in private.

I should also say that i have spent a lot of my life in major accounts
and government IT sales.  I know what's involved in a major sale to a
blue chip and government organisation.  I managed a sales budget of
$30million and 50 sales, support and admin staff before i got in the
web business.   I know when sales people are telling flim-flam and I
know what we ought to be seeing if Adobe were making a big effort to
sell more CF servers or LiveCycle servers.   And i dont see any of it.

So its unfair for you to characterise me as 'regularly complaining'.
 I tell the truth as i see it,  and i saw that as an important issue
at the time.

Incidentally I'm not going to say any more about that issue  I dont
want to raise this whole mess again - i only say anything now because
you were unfair characterising me that way.     I'm not going to be
drawn into a discussion of that point again  - I made my opinions
clear at the time,  and even offered help to Adobe if they wanted it.
But I guess they didn't.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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