martong added inline comments.

Comment at: test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.c:6
+  int b;
+} foobar;
a_sidorin wrote:
> Please use a consistent naming style across the file. There are names 
> starting with capital, having underscores and written like this.
Ok, I renamed the things, I was trying to be consistent with the LLVM style, 
one exception is the name of variables still start with small case.
I also restructured the file a bit and added more comments, so it is more 
cleaner which things belong together to the same test.

Comment at: test/Analysis/ctu-main.c:3-5
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -emit-pch -o 
%t/ctudir2/ctu-other.c.ast %S/Inputs/ctu-other.c
+// RUN: cp %S/Inputs/externalFnMap2.txt %t/ctudir2/externalFnMap.txt
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only -std=c89 -analyze 
-analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection  -analyzer-config 
experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true -analyzer-config ctu-dir=%t/ctudir2 
-verify %s
Szelethus wrote:
> Could you please break these lines?
> ```
> // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu %S/Inputs/ctu-other.c \
> // RUN:    -emit-pch -o %t/ctudir2/ctu-other.c.ast
> //
> // RUN: cp %S/Inputs/externalFnMap2.txt %t/ctudir2/externalFnMap.txt
> //
> // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only -std=c89 
> -analyze -verify %s
> // RUN:   -analyzer-checker=core \
> // RUN:   -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection \
> // RUN:   -analyzer-config experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true \
> // RUN:   -analyzer-config ctu-dir=%t/ctudir2
> ```
Ok, good point.

Comment at: test/Analysis/ctu-main.c:4
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -emit-pch -o 
%t/ctudir2/ctu-other.c.ast %S/Inputs/ctu-other.c
+// RUN: cp %S/Inputs/externalFnMap2.txt %t/ctudir2/externalFnMap.txt
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only -std=c89 -analyze 
-analyzer-checker=core,debug.ExprInspection  -analyzer-config 
experimental-enable-naive-ctu-analysis=true -analyzer-config ctu-dir=%t/ctudir2 
-verify %s
Szelethus wrote:
> This is a question rather than anything else, why do we have both 
> externalFnMap2.txt and externalFnMap.txt?
`externalFnMap.txt` goes for `ctu-other.cpp`.
`externalFnMap2.txt` goes for `ctu-other.c`.
Perhaps we should rename them in the `Inputs` directory to include the indexed 
file name. E.g. `ctu-other.cpp.externalFnMap.txt`. What do you think?

  rC Clang


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