tblah added inline comments.

Comment at: flang/include/flang/Tools/CLOptions.inc:159
 inline void createDefaultFIROptimizerPassPipeline(
-    mlir::PassManager &pm, llvm::OptimizationLevel optLevel = defaultOptLevel) 
+    mlir::PassManager &pm, bool stackArrays = false, llvm::OptimizationLevel 
optLevel = defaultOptLevel) {
   // simplify the IR
awarzynski wrote:
> CLANG-FORMAT-ME :) Same for other long lines here.
It seems clang-format is not run on this file. I have fixed the lines changed 
in my patch. Should I clang-format the whole file in a separate patch?

Comment at: flang/test/Transforms/stack-arrays.f90:3
+! We have to check llvm ir here to force flang to run the whole mlir pipeline
+! this is just to check that -fstack-arrays enables the stack-arrays pass so
awarzynski wrote:
> Also, I don't quite follow this comment:
> >  We have to check llvm ir here to force flang to run the whole mlir pipeline
> Why is checking LLVM IR going to force Flang to run anything?
Just running `flang-new -fc1 -emit-fir` outputs the FIR before all of the 
transformation passes run (which is why I have to pipe the result through 
`fir-opt` to run the array value copy and stack arrays passes on the first 

Outputting LLVM IR requires all of the MLIR transformation passes to be run to 
transform all of the higher level dialects into the LLVM dialect. Stack arrays 
is run as part of that same pipeline (`fir::createMLIRToLLVMPassPipeline`). I 
want to test that `-fstack-arrays` does cause the stack arrays pass to run as 
part of that pipeline, which is why I am checking the LLVM-IR.

One alternative would be to print out which passes have run and check that, but 
I felt this way fits more with the spirit of the other tests.

Comment at: flang/test/Transforms/stack-arrays.f90:6
+! only check the first example
+! RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-llvm -o - -fstack-arrays %s | FileCheck 
--check-prefix=CHECK-LLVM %s
awarzynski wrote:
Lots of other tests do not follow this convention. It would change the 
FileCheck comments to look like `! LLVM: array_value_copy_simple`. 

I think it is good to require `CHECK-FEATURE:` so that any mention of `FEATURE` 
in comments does not confuse FileCheck. Especially for a name like LLVM which 
is likely to be written in capitals.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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