awarzynski added inline comments.

Comment at: flang/include/flang/Tools/
 inline void createDefaultFIROptimizerPassPipeline(
-    mlir::PassManager &pm, llvm::OptimizationLevel optLevel = defaultOptLevel) 
+    mlir::PassManager &pm, bool stackArrays = false, llvm::OptimizationLevel 
optLevel = defaultOptLevel) {
   // simplify the IR
tblah wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > CLANG-FORMAT-ME :) Same for other long lines here.
> It seems clang-format is not run on this file. I have fixed the lines changed 
> in my patch. Should I clang-format the whole file in a separate patch?

Comment at: flang/test/Transforms/stack-arrays.f90:3
+! We have to check llvm ir here to force flang to run the whole mlir pipeline
+! this is just to check that -fstack-arrays enables the stack-arrays pass so
tblah wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > Also, I don't quite follow this comment:
> > 
> > >  We have to check llvm ir here to force flang to run the whole mlir 
> > > pipeline
> > 
> > Why is checking LLVM IR going to force Flang to run anything?
> Just running `flang-new -fc1 -emit-fir` outputs the FIR before all of the 
> transformation passes run (which is why I have to pipe the result through 
> `fir-opt` to run the array value copy and stack arrays passes on the first 
> line).
> Outputting LLVM IR requires all of the MLIR transformation passes to be run 
> to transform all of the higher level dialects into the LLVM dialect. Stack 
> arrays is run as part of that same pipeline 
> (`fir::createMLIRToLLVMPassPipeline`). I want to test that `-fstack-arrays` 
> does cause the stack arrays pass to run as part of that pipeline, which is 
> why I am checking the LLVM-IR.
> One alternative would be to print out which passes have run and check that, 
> but I felt this way fits more with the spirit of the other tests.
Thanks for the explanation. So you want to verify this functionality by 
investigating two pipelines:
* source --> FIR
* source --> LLVM IR
You could convey that by using `CHECK-FIR` and `CHECK-LLVM-IR` (or just `FIR` 
and `LLVM-IR`). I "complained", because this is unclear:
> We have to check llvm ir here to force flang to run the whole mlir pipeline
> In order to verify the whole MLIR pipeline, make the driver generate LLVM IR.

Comment at: flang/test/Transforms/stack-arrays.f90:6
+! only check the first example
+! RUN: %flang_fc1 -emit-llvm -o - -fstack-arrays %s | FileCheck 
--check-prefix=CHECK-LLVM %s
tblah wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > 
> Lots of other tests do not follow this convention. It would change the 
> FileCheck comments to look like `! LLVM: array_value_copy_simple`. 
> I think it is good to require `CHECK-FEATURE:` so that any mention of 
> `FEATURE` in comments does not confuse FileCheck. Especially for a name like 
> LLVM which is likely to be written in capitals.
> Lots of other tests do not follow this convention.

I think that we would easily find examples for either approach.

> I think it is good to require CHECK-FEATURE:

Well, `LLVM` is not a feature ;-) Also, most folks working with LLVM are 
familiar with the LIT syntax - the presence of `CHECK` in `CHECK-FEATURE` is 
just unnecessary noise to me. But I am happy either way. But I would appreciate 
replacing with `LLVM` with something a bit more meaningful - perhaps `LLVM-IR`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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