With that kind of representation, I can see how a 128qubit machine
could handle M=8.

I suppose that's a start. Still: half the qubits get "wasted", and
you'd need something considerably more general if you wanted to deal
with other problems.



On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Robert Bernecky
<berne...@snakeisland.com> wrote:
> I don't know. Yet.
> The normal way to do this sort of thing in a traditional architecture
> is to represent the input data as a rank-2 array. If there are M
> cities, then we use a matrix of shape M,M, in which the element
> at row J and column K is the distance between city J and city K.
> If there is no road connecting those two,
> then you set a fake distance of infinity for that element.
> Bob
> On 13-10-12 02:10 PM, Raul Miller wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Robert Bernecky
>> <berne...@snakeisland.com>  wrote:
>>> A harder problem is that of the "travelling salesman problem",
>>> in which we want to compute the shortest route that visits a
>>> set of cities exactly once, and returns to its starting point.
>>> The key here is "shortest": we can easily verify that a putative
>>> solution visits each city once and returns to its starting point,
>>> but we do not have any good way to ensure that the
>>> putative solution is, in fact, the shortest one, except by
>>> trying all of them.
>> But how might one represent the topology of the available routes to
>> the d-wave chip?
>> Thanks,
> --
> Robert Bernecky
> Snake Island Research Inc
> 18 Fifth Street
> Ward's Island
> Toronto, Ontario M5J 2B9
> berne...@snakeisland.com
> tel: +1 416 203 0854
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