On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Donna Y <dy...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Quantum Mechanics is quite sound - see QED - Richard Feynman. I guess you 
> mean Quantum Computing.

Some of it is, yes. That part seems very simple.

Some of it seems, to me, to be nonsense. Maybe I will get it some day,
maybe I will not.

Some of that is just my ignorance. Some of that seems like other people's.

That said, I think that applications of a theory are much more
convincing evidence of the theory's validity than books on a theory.
This is why I dropped out of college.

> There are government-backed projects that are classified and there are many 
> things that have particular potential that are taken out of public purview.

Of course. But if you understand the structure of the people involved
you can get a sense for what kinds of things that secret projects are
up to by the structure of available information. This relates to the
trap that China is in, with their censorship program. They've recently
had to start censoring the word "censorship", it has gotten so rough
for them.

> There are a lot of things built with military funding or corporate funding 
> and then taken over and privatized and not made public.

Yes, certainly, and thus the recent revelations about NSA outsourcing.
What do you imagine the rest of the intelligence budget goes for? Is
it only to hire people to sit on their hands and write power point
presentations about private outsourcing?

> Here is another project - note the way it is funded and its publicized goals
> http://www.iter.org/proj/itermission

Note also that the 120 GHz frequency listed as a strategic resource in
a rather boring military document something over 10 years ago is
getting into the range where a physics paper I read once listed as
being particularly significant for interactions involving the weak
nuclear force.

Of course, it's quite possible that the secret documents contain no
more information than the unclassified documents, and that all these
bright people being hired by the defense department just sit on their
hands all day watching porn or something. Wouldn't that be funny? And
it would certainly justify the classified treatment of those budgets.

That said, yes, one of the big issues with fusion reactions on a scale
smaller than a Sun is: how do you keep the energy of the reaction from
preventing the reaction from taking place. The techniques I've heard
of are: inertial confinement (basically: a nuclear bomb), magnetic
confinement (but then how do you pump fuel through the confinement
field?), and a technique involving lasers and mirrors that seems to be
fairly new and surprisingly successful.


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