On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 05:01:15PM -0500, Mathew Ryden wrote:
> The reason for all of these nopes is that the node has no idea what kind of
> content it's storing. The actual encryption is done clientside so trying to
> filter it in the node is futile. With filesplitting, you can't glean any
> information off of the size of the files. The only way to filter out
> something on freenet would be to have a list of banned keys, but such a
> system soon becomes unweildy as more and more "bad" data is added to the
> list.

Well - not quite. Assuming the keyindexes are reasonably comprehensive,
and you have KSK redirects as well as CHKs on your node, you can now get
a pretty good idea of what's stored. I ranted briefly about it on Freesite,
then someone wrote the code (linked on Freesite). Unfortunately I can't
credit them because I don't know who they are...

I haven't managed to get JDK to compile and run it properly but I'll
keep trying. The theory is sound...

So, anyway - the upshot is you can get a list of all keys stored on your
node that are listed in keyindexes, and you could then filter based
on keywords or filenames. HOWEVER, the name is of course no guarantee
of the content.

Burn the keyindexes :)

Really, the only way to be unable to determine what is stored is if
you or your contacts have not more that one of the human-readable key
or the actual stored data (in which case it's not relevant anyway).

Sorry, I'm rambling. Go look at Freesite :)

Leo Howell                                           M5AKW

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