On Fri, 25 May 2001 07:18:20 +0100 Leo Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 09:12:58PM -0700, Dev Random wrote:
> > Well, if you split up the files, then you can have nodes that do 
> not have
> > enough information to reconstruct any particular file.  It's a 
> future
> > feature, I would hope.
> I don't mean to be pedantic, but wouldn't you still then have all 
> the
> blocks on your node when you request the file? Or maybe the node 
> could
> ensure that it never cached all the blocks for one file - but then 
> it
> would have to be able to tell the file from the block, which would
> defeat the point, no?
> I think I'd just better go back and sit in my hole for a while.

All of the blocks would be stored temporarily in the node just like any
other file, but it would be a good idea to give freenet the abilty to
start putting a large file together before it recieves all of the blocks,
this way the download can be resumed after a disconnection, or the
download can actually be completed despite a relatively small node cache.
 Lets say your node can have only 1mb of data on it at a time, and lets
say you are downloading a 15 meg file.  Under the current freenet
configuration I think you would not be able to download that file because
freenet reconstructs the file only after downloading the whole thing to
the node cache.  I think thats how it works.   Anyway, if it begins
constructing the file after the first little piece is downloaded, like
Flashget (Jetcar), Getright, and Go!Zilla all do when downloading from
resumable sites, then it would go very smoothly and no one would be able
to retrieve the entire chunk of data from your node when it is
disconnected from the rest of freenet. :)

So, that problem is solved in my head at least.  I hope some developer
for freenet gets the idea and starts working on makeing it a reality. :)
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