On Mon, 28 May 2001 15:05:05 -0400 (EDT) "Mark J. Roberts"
> So I was bored and I came up with a simple p2p network idea. Here it 
> is.
> A network consists of nodes and a central inform server. When a 
> node
> starts it registers with the inform server.
> Clients read the list of nodes from the inform server. They hash 
> the
> address of each node.
> To insert a file:
>         split file into small chunks
>         hash each chunk
>         insert each chunk to node with closest hash
>         insert redundant chunks
> To request a file, for each chunk hash, request it from the closest 
> node.
> If any chunks fail, use the redundant chunks to reconstruct the 
> data,
> and reinsert the missing chunks.
> I'm writing the server code today (around a select() call, btw) and 
> I'm
> going to write a part-assembling client proxy as soon as possible.
> Is anyone interested in testing this? It's not as magical as 
> Freenet,
> which means it stands a good chance of actually working.

I will test it, but I would like it better if such a thing were
implemented in freenet.
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