Volker Stolz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any thoughts on this issue? Currently, I really can't recommend running
> a Freenet node in Germany. Last time I checked up on current events involving
> such things, it seemed that an ISP's operator can be arrested for storing
> illegal material on his proxies hard disk. Although IANAL, I think the
> same will apply here.

IANAL either, but IMHO proxy caches fall under the provisions of article 1,
paragraph 5, section 3 of the Information and Communication Services Act,
available online at http://www.iid.de/rahmen/iukdgebt.html:

(3) Providers shall not be responsible for any third-party content to which
    they only provide access. The automatic and temporary storage of third-
    party content due to user request shall be considered as providing access.

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