On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:26:55 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian
Clarke) writes:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 08:24:40PM +0200, Stefan Reich wrote:
> > The problem is that in the end, it is impossible to hide that you 
> are
> > running a Freenet node (at least if it's not transient).
> It is not, and was never, a goal of Freenet to make it impossible 
> to
> determine whether someone is running a node.  Having said that, we 
> will
> be taking some precautions in 0.4 to make it more difficult to 
> harvest
> node addresses.  I did propose a system a while back called "Shadow
> nodes" which would allow someone to hide their node address using 
> one or
> more other Freenet nodes as a proxy.  Nobody except those nodes 
> would
> know that you are running a Freenet node.
> Ian.

Sounds like a great idea. :)  However, any node that can be found by
someone can be attacked by the state or federal legal systems of whatever
country they reside in.  We still need some kind of legal defense for
Freenet nodes and their node operators, in at least one country.  Without
that, any permanent node operator is takeing a huge risk of prosecution.
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