Timm Murray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Sorry Mark, but the "one computer, one node" rule is something I
> picked up from Oskar (I think), and I decided I agreed with him (and
> not just because he's Oskar).  Freenet works better with lots of
> smaller nodes to spread the data out then to have a few really big
> nodes.  I think the optimal solution is to have each computer on the
> LAN to have a 50-200 MB store (non-transient) with the main node
> having a 1-2 GB store.

(Damn, dude!  Hit Enter once in a while!)

It seems quite likely that in the near future, Freenet is going to be
(more commonly) used as a transport mechanism for Very Large Files
(~650 MB).  If the local node's data store is less than the size of the
file you're trying to retrieve, I doubt that the results are going to
be pleasant.

I can't see any reason why you'd want a data store less than 1 GB,
unless your hard drive is simply so small that you can't have a node
that big.  (In which case you won't be downloading ISO images, so you
won't face these issues in the first place.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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