Michael ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[sym links from inside the Freenet data store]

This feature is completely incompatible with Freenet's goals and
architecture (insofar as I understand the latter).  Freenet isn't

In fact, the closest approximation to Freenet that I'm aware of is
Usenet.  When you insert an article into Usenet, you don't expect
your news client to store the article in your home directory, then
tell the news server what the file name is.  The news server might
not even be on the same computer as the client!  (And might not share
a filespace, e.g. with NFS or SMB.)

Freenet is a client/server architecture, like (modern, post-NNTP) Usenet.
Your client has some data; it might have come from a file, or you might
have piped it in on stdin, or it might have spontaneously generated itself
for all we know.  The client opens an FCP connection to a Freenet node --
which may be on the same machine or not.  It does some protocol
handshaking, then sends the data to the node.

If you think your feature is going to be easy to implement (which I
personally doubt), then go ahead and submit your patch for peer review
after you've added it.

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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