> Not useless.
> Dangerous.

And how would it be dangerous if it were a feature you had to use by
choice? I'm not saying change the default behavior. I'm saying add an
option when you've rounded out the more vital parts of the program. Not
that it matters I suppose. If you don't add it then someone else can
always add it for themselves.

Rather than waste 100's of gigs of space caching data I've already written
to disk and wish to keep available to other apps on my disk (not to
mention a second copy of all data mirrored to another drive for backup)
it's a perfectly reasonable thing to have as an option. Unless you're
planning to write a FreeNet filesystem so that other apps can work with
said files without having to be made FreeNet aware. Even then there are
benefits to keeping the original on my disk in the form I originally
placed them in.

I am going to have a copy of the data stored on the disk anyway for other
apps to work with.. so using links is no more dangerous than having copies
but is lots nicer on my diskspace. Anything I downloaded from FreeNet I'd
still want stored in the normal FreeNet cache. Anything I decided to
insert as a copy rather than a link would still be in the cache. Anything
I decided to insert as a link would still be stored in the cache of
whatever nodes I was connected to. The link only has value on the local

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