On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 17:28, David McNab wrote:
> Hi all,
> On coming back to the Freenet project, I see some things have changed.
> On one hand, there's a deathly quiet in these mailing lists, and in
> the #freenet IRC channel.
> But on the other hand, there's this vast array of new freesites and
> index sites.
> Two very conflicting indications about the health of the project.
> Lastest fred code seems to be behaving itself nicely with no surprises.
> Much better than when last I looked 3 months ago.
> To save me from the arduous task of combing through months of email
> archives, does anyone want to offer some comments on the state of play
> in the Land of Hops?

The chat list is completely dead.  The dev list is mostly posts on the
latest fproxy bug, or on some arcane bit of documentation that hasn't
been updated in three years.

Ian was hired by the NSA.  Travis Beamann became a Republican.  MJR gave
up coding in favor of knitting.  AGL is working for Microsoft.  And
Marcel is nowhere to be seen (yay!).

Timm Murray

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