Hi everybody 

i myself was awere of the lack of apparitions, fsts,in chat mailing list
 on the other hand i have been quietly dead as it doesnt appear any subject
who atraks my interess, so i want to tell you , i didnt quit becose I was in
hope the thing whould somehow revert.
 Now i'm not either quiting as i am curious and i can't tell if it will
realy die or not, not beeing an informatic expert, on the contrary, when i
read in my country (Portugal) in a paper about freenet i find the all thing
appealing and finnaly i met some interesting people here  who talked about
other things.
Now , the main subject of my present interests is never mentioned here , and
i understand;  and it is the world's situation and this overwelming
nightmare of a war.
I will see  the links to find out if there is a "place " where people talk
on more subjects,.
Before ending I want to tell you too , that this is the place where i find
the most intelectualy interesting people in web , I work in fine arts, so i
dont have a word to say on nodes, enchryptics, etc, but i enjoy immensely to
find briliant brains, be them electronic experts....;))

Ana Ribeiro dos Santos                     Explanation avoids understanding
([EMAIL PROTECTED])                    J.Cage


on 11.02.03 06:03, Jeremy G Byrne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 23:05 10/02/03 -0600, Timm M. wrote:
>> Ian was hired by the NSA.  Travis Beamann became a Republican.
>> MJR gave up coding in favor of knitting.  AGL is working for
>> Microsoft.  And Marcel is nowhere to be seen (yay!).
> Gotta say, having been on this list since March 2000, patiently
> awaiting the miracle of a robust, consumer-level distributed
> datastore (having put aside my own early development efforts
> because I expected they'd soon be redundant), I've often wondered
> if MS or the RIAA or the FBI mightn't have hired an insider (what
> does it cost to buy a java hacker?) to slow the project by inaction,
> sabotage by misdirection and otherwise emasculate freenet. Of course,
> I'm probably just another conspiracy nut.
> CYa,

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