On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:15:53 -0500 David T-G
<davidtg-freenet at justpickone.org> writes:

>   http://www.tfccs.com/
> or
>   http://www.spirituality.com/

Ok, I looked at tfccs, "The Church of Christ, Scientist", and read a
little about the theology and stuff.  But when I got to the part where
they explain why they use the word "Science", thats when I disconnected. 
I don't mean this as any kind of insult to anyone, but in my opinion
Christ was no scientist, and neither were most of the people on the
planet at the time.  My definition of Science is the use of LOGIC and
detailed analysis and experimentation to find answers to problems and
create new ways of doing things.  And in my opinion Religion in general
and Jesus Christ himself did not use Logic very much, and when they did
it was only very superficial.

I cannot accept the idea of Jesus Christ being a scientist and I cannot
accept the definition of Science that was given on that site, which is
the strict application of a set of rules, or laws.  Anyone can make rules
or laws and enforce them, but that doesn't mean it is a logical or
analytical process.

I'm a very analytical person, and even though I strugle with an emotional
handicap, I adhere to logic because it is the only thing that keeps me
sane.  If something doesn't make sense to ME, I can't work with it.  I
have to either try over and over again to find a way to MAKE it make
sense, or abandon it completely.

Again, I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, just my personal
reaction to two of the things that are most important in my life,
religion and logic.
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