On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:57:06 -0500 (EST) Kevin Atkinson
<kevin at atkinson.dhs.org> writes:
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 krepta at juno.com wrote:

> Dude, how can Cancema cure all sort of illnesses?  How does the 
> ability to
> cure cancer imply the ability to cure other illness how the hell are 
> you
> going to "burn" an aids virus away when it is throughout your body?

Dude, go look at www.altcancer.com.  All the info you need is right
there.  As well as lots and lots of real life stories and stuff.  I know
it is hard to understand, but a Virus is susceptible to chemical change,
and destruction, just like anything else.  This particular chemical
coctail DOES destroy virus cells and bacteria cells.  I don't completely
understand it, since I'm no scientist, but the explanation I've read, and
the evidence I've reviewed make sense to me.

It isn't an Oxygen Inhibitor drug or whatever else the Orthodox Church of
Medicine uses to combat Cancer, this stuff FINDS cancer cells and
chemicaly burns them to death.  The chared remains are then eliminated by
the Immune system.  Cancema comes in Pill form or in a cream that you
apply to Skin Cancer legions.  I swear on all that is Holy or Right that
this stuff DOES do what Alpha Omega Labs and it's customers say it does. 
Just as it Destroys Cancer, it destroys Viruses and Bacteria.  From now
on, whenever I get an infection, I'm useing Cancema to fight it.  No more
incredibly expensive treatments from the OCM.  No thank you.

You can choose to believe, or not, it's up to you.

The only thing that might make believing in this stuff truely difficult,
is the price.  If only you could get free samples of the stuff, then you
could see for yourself that it works, without the risk of loseing lots
and lots of money in the experiment.
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