On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:15:53 -0500 David T-G
<davidtg-freenet at justpickone.org> writes:

> % I don't know much, if anything, about Christian Science, but this 
> is
> If you're interested in finding out, surf over to
>   http://www.tfccs.com/
> or
>   http://www.spirituality.com/
> and look around.

Hmm, I don't usualy trust mixtures of Religion, Politics and Science, I
think they all work best as totaly seperate entities.  However, I am
curious.  When I first heard about The Church of Scientology, I thought
it was a Christian Science thing.  A combination of Christian religious
beliefs and Scientific, logical, analytical ideas and ideals.  But I
found out that it claims that Christ was nothing but a brainwashed
trapped soul.  Grr!

I'll check out your websites.
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