Aaron & David, et al --

...and then David McNab said...
% kjc> On Primetime Thurstay, an ABC News magazine, or whatever you call it, I
% kjc> became very upset at their story about "Alternative Medicine".
% ...
% kjc> And they are on a Holy Crusade against products like Cancema, and the
% kjc> people who make them.  May they rott in HELL!!!!!
% ...
% kjc> All I can say is, WTF!!!!!
% kjc> Ok, I'm done with my rant. :)
% Your rant is valid. I'd just love to hear another
% hundred million Americans starting to sing to the same tune.

Same here.

% Underneath the complex matrix of legal, social, economic and
% governmental factors, there's one single thing that keeps this corrupt
% medical status quo in place - public demand.

In addition, now that "science" has gained a foothold and is both
regulated and endorsed by the gubmint, it would be a loss of face to now
start endorsing other methods.

Fortunately, the medical community is beginning to accept the idea that
one's spiritual and mental state is very much related to one's physical
state.  Hey, in only another thousand years, maybe they'll come all the
way around :-)

% The reason why mainstream medicine enjoys its Microsoft-like market
% dominance is the public demand for instant gratification - the desire
% understanding of and responsibility for their health. People, on the
% whole, are simply not willing to do that past a certain superficial
% point.

Exactly.  The lure of something for nothing -- the cure or fix without
any change or interruption -- is a strong pull, and society today seems
geared toward that and instant gratification.

% The resistance to change in thinking/lifestyle starts to approach the
% resistance to change of religion. For example, If there were thousands
% of formally documented cases of people being cured of cancer by, say,
% becoming Seventh Day Adventists, how many people would make the
% switch, and how many would choose to die instead?

How about Christian Science? :-)

% As for me, my wife and I routinely heal ourselves of any health
% conditions which may emerge. We haven't been to doctors in over 8
% years, and sure don't anticipate ever going to them again. The drug
% companies will never get even a cent from us again.

We can't yet chalk up that length of record, but we're in exactly the
same boat.

As an added bonus, Christian Science treatment is covered under many
health insurance plans.

% David

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg at justpickone.org * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork at justpickone.org
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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