On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 18:37:25 GMT "Timm Murray" <hardburn at runbox.com>
> > On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 krepta at juno.com wrote:
> > 
> > > I think Content on Demand has a future.  Thats what freenet is.  
> But TV,
> > > hmmm, I dunno.  Advertisers really want people to watch thier 
> stuff at
> > > particular times of day or night, or during special events like 
> the Super
> > > Bowl.  They will try hard to keep things the way they are for as 
> long as
> > > possible.  But I personaly would LOVE TV on Demand.  Just pick a 
> show I
> > > want to watch and watch it.  Thats why I want TIVO or that 
> Microsoft box
> > > for digital TV recording.
> > 
> > Until those devices become fully user programmable I refuse to by 
> one
> > because as long as they are closed black boxes they can be used to 
> limit
> > what we can do with the recorded videos.  I also do not think that 
> TiVo
> > should only provide the hardware and not require you to also 
> subscribe to
> > there service, especially since that type of information is 
> easily
> > available from a number of sources.
> If you want, you could get a TV-in card that is compatible with 
> Video4Linux and a big 
> hard drive (40-80 GB).  Unless you find the right software, you 
> wouldn't get the full range of features you'd get on a TiVo (like 
> skipping commercials), but it'll record of the TV just fine.  In 
> fact, my VCR is on the fritz (it only records in black & white, 
> which could 
> probably be fixed by a good cleaning), so I'm thinking about 
> replacing it with a TV-in 
> card.

Wow, I've never encountered a VCR that only records in BW.  Does it
display color normaly when playing movie tapes or watching tv?  That is
just WEIRD!!

I've got a VCR that gradualy stoped being able to view channels until the
tuner completely went out.  Then it gradualy lost the ability to use the
RIGHT sound input plug.  Then it stoped being able to record at all.  And
then it became really bad at playing things.  It's just totaly screwed
up. :)
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