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On Friday 11 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
> Hello, I edited your email for my response, hope you don't mind. :)
> I don't know what this DRM is,

Digital Rights Management.  In theory, it stops "pirates" from illicitly 
copied software.  In practice, it is likely to stop you from using software 
that was legaly copied (like mp3s you ripped from a CD you already own, or 
Free Software like GNU/Linux).

> and I don't know what this involvement
> with the FBI is.

That has to do with something else.  Specifically, FBI wants Microsoft to add 
"Black Lantern" (a keystroke logger) into updated versions of WinXP.

>  And I had no idea that Microsoft had stoped support for
> Win98 and 98se.  

Last I heard, they only stopped for 95; 98 has a few more years yet before 
they stop support.  Unless the FBI is asking them to stop that, too.

>I knew they had stoped for 95, both A and B.  Please
> give me information. :)  I need education. :)  By email please, because I
> have no net connection.  Thanks. :)
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:39:05 +0200 (South Africa Standard Time) "Jack
> Sidebottom" <wordwich at iafrica.com> writes:
>     Hi, while I agree with some of the things said here I would like to
> add that(and I don't mean this in a bad way) America is NOT the Internet.
> Laws passed in the States are not binding in other countries in regard to
> the 'net (as much as they would like it to be).
>     The internet is, and will remain, (as long as we keep fighting those
> who are trying to control it) GLOBAL. As for "circumventing" such laws
> the answer is in the word you used below - "INFORMATION" If people like
> us, who have a common goal (keeping the Internet free from government and
> big corporation intervention) SHARE our information to help others that
> is a step in the right direction.
>     You would be suprised how many people out there no Nothing about
> Microsoft's DRM or magic lantern or a thousand and one other things that
> affect them and their use of the internet ,now and in the Months to come.
> I 'phoned Microsoft in Johannesberg (i live in cape town) this morning
> asking why none of the newspapers in South Africa carried any stories
> about their involvement with the FBI or stopping support for windows
> 95,98,98se,etc: or their patent for DRM, The answer i got was "we try to
> keep it quiet". So as i said we must make sure that ALL this type of
> information is available to everyone and take it from there.   Thanks
> Jack.
> Jack Sidebottom:
> email wordwich at iafrica.com.
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>                              idap://certserver.pgp.com
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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