On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 12:56:50 -0600 Timm Murray <hardburn at runbox.com>
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 11 January 2002 11:06, you wrote:
> > Hello, I edited your email for my response, hope you don't mind. 
> :)
> >
> > I don't know what this DRM is,
> Digital Rights Management.  In theory, it stops "pirates" from 
> illicitly 
> copied software.  In practice, it is likely to stop you from using 
> software 
> that was legaly copied (like mp3s you ripped from a CD you already 
> own, or 
> Free Software like GNU/Linux).

Thats bad, very bad.  Basicaly the PC's hardware would make it impossible
to load software without specific permision from the Software Distributor
right?  Includeing copying anything you already own, even makeing
backups?!  This is very very very very very very very bad.

> > and I don't know what this involvement
> > with the FBI is.
> That has to do with something else.  Specifically, FBI wants 
> Microsoft to add 
> "Black Lantern" (a keystroke logger) into updated versions of WinXP.

Keystroke logs?  They want to ad Spy-ware to the very OS you are useing? 
PLUS you would not be able to use anything other than M$'s OS because of
DRM!!  What a FREAKING BAD THING!!!  Does it regularly send these secret
recordings of your activities off to some server or does it just sit
their waiting for access to be granted through some back door to your
system in order to download these logs?!  Either way, its bad bad bad bad

> >  And I had no idea that Microsoft had stoped support for
> > Win98 and 98se.  
> Last I heard, they only stopped for 95; 98 has a few more years yet 
> before 
> they stop support.  Unless the FBI is asking them to stop that, too.

It would make sense if they stoped supporting 98 and 98se, because they
have already moved on to W2k and WME and WXP.  They stoped support DOS,
Win3.1 and 95 a while ago.  Why not 98?  W98 isn't even sold anywhere
anymore.  No system in any major computer store has W98, and you can't
find W98 boxes anywhere on shelves.  You can still find it in retail
sales probably, but not the places like Best Buy and Circuit City.

Well, anyway, this does not bode well for people strugeling for more
freedom and getting less and less of it all the time.
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