
Just like to say one thing about this site. I think its a great place to get valuable information from fellow members and many things I have read have been very informative to me. But when you hear about how people spell and what they type about things and then everyone boast their opinions gets you know where. We may all not have had a Harvard education or entered any spelling contest but we all seem to know and deciper what the point is someone is asking. Wheter or not you spell it this way or that way, does it really matter. And if you use upper case or lower case whats the difference??? Instead of dealing with whats important our cars and how we can help one another we bitch about pronunciation of words......tsk tsk. I come here to get information and help and I see 30 e-mails about  WHO CARES  geezzzzz guys  who cares ......Its like the Mickey Mouse Club  Mic ( see ya real soon ) Key ( why because we like you ) Mouse......Mickey Mouse !!

I have asked alot of questions here and gotten lots of help from fellow members and then sometimes I have gotten no response, so does that mean I have to be a p**** and start a bid ordeal about why no one wants to respond to my questions, or maybe I didnt spell it right so what, who cares, read between the lines it doesnt take a rocket scincetist to figure out what one is saying....so in closing CHILL !!!!

Ps...Bet you can find a few words here I spelled wrong, so what I dont care and I dont use hyphen's between my n & t 's . Thats the way I type, shoot me , hang me oh well !!


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