At 06:59 AM 12/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Man John, I swear you've had the worst luck of anyone on this list when it
comes to being mis-understood.....
I think you need a big bold disclaimer to go along with your signature, and
I think I'll start one.

> If you would call somebody here in Germany "Nazi" you would go to jail
> immediately.

Ahh!! But he lives in the USA, the land of free speech, and where an Austrian immigrant can become governor of California.

 And what I learned - at least from American movies - if
> you would beheave to a police man as you described you would be at
> least into proper treatment from a couple of police men.

That just shows that you can't trust the media to give you a true picture of a country, or anything else. And what would "proper treatment" be??

> Why don't you just take care about your worn tyres??? Do you want to
> kill somebody on  wet road?

It doesn't matter if the tires are worn, he only drives in back yards. :-)))

(Where's DP when we really need her??)

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