my vet wont see him tonight and he is an animal hospital  there should be an 
emergency vet open in one of the towns close by. i live in connecticut.  they 
cover for each other.  I through i give it a couple of hours to see if it get 
bigger or if he stays the same.i wont hestitate to take him.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:            If you are really worried will ur vet see 
him at night or do you have an animal hospital?
    In a message dated 1/30/2008 5:50:56 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
          his nose is a little warm. his bottom realy hurts him. i had to stop 
cleaning him he was wiggling so much. i more afraid he will hemerage during the 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:         Is he running a fever?? If not he should be ok
    In a message dated 1/30/2008 5:46:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
          would there be signs before it gets this bad.  didnt see anything    

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:          
  She may need to have her anal gland expressed-- your vet can do it. No big 
deal and he/she can show you how to do it. Most dogs express that gland when 
they poo but hers may be clogged.
    In a message dated 1/30/2008 5:28:07 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
          we came home from work and there was dried blood on the floor a 
little. i throught one of them had liocked there feet to much. It 
turned out that my pom pom was bleeding ner thr rectum. he had dried 
feces on him so we put him in the sink too eash him off he has a spall 
tear that squirts blood when you touchwash near it . and there is a 
large patch like a bulge on oneside of his rectum it is purple in 
color. i called the vet he said it sounded like a anal gland problen 
and made a appointment for tomorrow. Have any of you heard of this 
before? this has me so upset. I feel like i did something wrong. he 
is such aa sweet dog. arlene

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