Gloria, how do you come across situations like this?? 
I sure wish I had you when I went thru this!! I felt so violated. We found out 
the person was but nothing was done about it. THAT IS WHAT UPSET ME.  He
can just go on to the next person. I was simply amazed that he got into my
bank account, it is secured thru Boeing Security.  Diana

--- On Tue, 9/23/08, G Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: RE: [SPAM]RE: [Chihuahuas] ADDRESS DATABASE
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 1:44 PM

Yes, you guys are right.  I deal with ID theft victims - help them thru
the paperwork and emotional support they need.
I have typed out the Chihuahuas @ next to emergeny numbers
just in case.  Gabby will email you all...

Gloria C
The God of all grace will himself restore you
and make you strong, firm and steadfast!
1 Peter 5:10

From: address2000@
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:30:01 -0400
Subject: Re: [SPAM]RE: [Chihuahuas] ADDRESS DATABASE

I understand. After reading Marsha's post about how much we actually reveal 
about ourselves, I started having second thoughts too! It sounded like such a 
good idea, but idenity theft is a real serious thing. I trust those that have 
volunteered to keep the list, but the other 1,000 + members ??????. So I 
decided to tell my kids if anything should happen to me, they will join this 
group and let you know what is going on. I wish Claudia's daughter would do 
that again, like she did when Claudia was in the hosp before.
Blessings to u and your's :-)

e holley wrote: 

Hi, Everyone,

     I've waited to "chime in" on the database because I don;t want anyone to 
be offended by what I am going to say.  I love all of you but......... .I am 
NOT comfortable with having all 1,072 people or even a small group for that 
matter having my personal information.  As a person whose identity was 
compromised I don;t think its a good idea. I wouldn't wish that on my worst 
enemy.   I also am worried about Claudia, but to have personal info. "stored" 
anywhere is just asking for trouble.  Sorry, but I can't do that! And I still 
love all of you!




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