yep would be better than a gun........
it doesn't have to be aimed fast......
just start spraying then zero in on the dog(s)............
don't know why i didn't think of it??
I keep it handy all the time when out in my motor home............

Strangers Are Friends...Not Yet Met
To See GOD's Wonders... Travel

From: Pam's_Notes <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 10:16 AM
>Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] My white chi and I were attacked by a dog {Disarmed}
>Great idea carrying wasp & hornet spray, that stuff does shoot far.
>On 9/29/2012 4:09 PM, Peggy & The Girls wrote: 
>>How awful for you! I hope this guy learns to walk his dogs separately and 
>>with better collars so that he has better control over them. Carry a can of 
>>mace spray, or a can of hornet/wasp bug spray, since that can shoot out as 
>>far 20 feet and they will never get near you, and a thick long stick. You 
>>know you can sue him for damages and emotional distraught and that will teach 
>>him to have better control over his dogs.
>>I had a similar incident years ago when I was walking my maltese's. My stupid 
>>neighbor had a 2yr old hyper and very clumsy Dalmatian. He came charging at 
>>me, and my male maltese slipped his collar and ran to our backyard and 
>>straight up the sun deck stairs, meantime, I am holding the much smaller 
>>female over my head with one hand while I am trying to whack him off with my 
>>other hand. That dog towered over my head when he was standing on his hind 
>>legs. He looked at my little Gidget as a stuff toy to toss around and play 
>>with. He wasn't being mean, just knew that he would thrash her playfully if 
>>he got her in his mouth.  Poor Gidget was so scared she peed on my head and 
>>down my arm. The guy just stood there laughing and claiming that his dog 
>>wouldn't hurt a fly. Then when I kicked his dog in the chest to get him off, 
>>cause the owner wasn't telling the dog anything, he got mad at me and started 
>>to curse me out. Some people are just jerks!
>>Hope the bites aren't too bad. Oh yea, my dogs refused to go for walks for 
>>months after that.
>>Peggy & The Girls
>>-------Original Message-------
>>From: ouidan
>>Date: 9/29/2012 9:28:06 AM
>>Subject: [Chihuahuas] My white chi and I were attacked by a dog
>>I was walking my chi on my road in my neighborhood and was turning around to 
>>go home and saw a man and 3 dogs approaching. He seemed to be having trouble 
>>holding them back, so I walked up someones long driveway to stand by their 
>>garage door. This would give him the entire road and he could pass. Well, he 
>>had to overweight labs and one hound mix, like a tri color coonhound. when 
>>they got to the end of the drive it twirled and slipped its collar and came 
>>right for Maggie. I scooped her up and then my nightmare began. I was bitten 
>>on the back/side( it was hanging there. And when I shook him off it bit my 
>>arm that was wrapped around Maggie. I was screaming for help and the man did 
>>nothing. I yelled my loudest and meanest when he was springing for my face. 
>>He stopped for a second and I made my escape to a nieghbors house and rung 
>>the bell sobbing and told them to call my husband to come get me. I went to 
>>the hospital and animal control came and the deputy
 sheriffs. The next day I talked to a neighbor about it and found out she had 
the exact same scenero happen to her and her white cockapoo a week earlier only 
it didn't bite her. She was lucky. I will never go without protection now. The 
animal control and the sheriff said to carry and gun and use it. I would not be 
in trouble if I did. The bottom line was that I was going to same my dog over 
my own life. And I did save both of us, battered, bruised, torn,swollen and now 
afraid of my own street.

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