She looks much bigger in her photo with your son.  I hope the meds  kick in 
In a message dated 8/5/2013 6:28:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Does this mean that they did find other worms, but can't treat her  because 
of her size?  You said the cat also had watery stool  so he should be 
tested and treated too for Coccidia. If he does  have it, he won't get better 
his own without the meds and then it  will cost a lot more in vet fees to 
fix him. Also, if he does have  it he will just
pass it back to your chi. Besides if he doesn't  have it, then  I would 
call the breeder and tell her and make her responsible to pay  for the test and 
meds, because that's where Baylie got it from and she  needs to treat her 
dogs as well.  Glad it wasn't worse.  Just  a tiny!!!


-------Original Message-------
From: _leanneb65_ ( 
Date: 8/5/2013  5:56:21 PM
To: _Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com_ ( 
Subject: [Chihuahuas]  Baylie's first vet visit...

Took Baylie to vet today. She weighs one pound exsctly and she is 8  weeks 
old today. She got a semi good bill of health. They told me she is  way to 
small and light to treat for worms so to just watch her but we  did do a 
fecal test and she tested positive for Coccidia. Ugh. Dealt  with this with our 
last dog. They gave me the meds and she should be  okay. Her eyes and ears 
were great too.

I feel a little uneasy  about the worms but we just need to keep watch over 
her until she gets a  little bigger.

Does this sound normal or has anyone experienced  this before?

Just glad she is on the mend!!!

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