You left out Marshall and Michael Riconosciuto and investigator Danny
Casolaro.  And as for Alex Constantine (real name Dan Rightmyer), he
began his attacks on Daniel Hopsicker after Daniel began looking into
strange happenings around San Diego. Supposedly, Alex volunteered to
help in Daniel's research and, before he knew what hit him, Daniel was
 the subject of all sorts of strange allegations.

Nick Matzorkis...Adnan Khashoggi and John Gray's Genesis
Intermedia...Heaven's Gate Cult...Saudi Genesis...Pinnacle Quest
International (PQI) a/k/a Global Prosperity Group...Ramy El Batrawi
a/k/a "Remy Al-Batswani"...
Hopsicker comment: "Michael C. Ruppert and the phony 9/11 'Truth
Movement' are defending taking money from owes his fame and success to
Saudi money from Adnan Khashoggi, provided through a company
incorporated by Barry Seal's attorney, the same man currently suing us
for 'emotional distress.' No doubt this is just a freak coincidence...
Michael C. Ruppert's red herrings from 'Bush Knew' to 'No Pilots' to
'No Planes' to 'Peak Oil,' his latest 'the end of the world as we know
it' pulpit-pounder...

[Note: This is what's known as spinning money--or more modernly as
"pump and dump schemes". The models were invented in America in the
earliest days of the NYSE and practiced by William Collins Whitney for
the Morgan banks; in Canada by Max Aitken a la Lord Beaverbrook for
the same financial network a generation or two later in cahoots with
Whitney descendant Anglo-American syndicate runner Jock Whitney,
brother of Joan Whitney Payson, Jupiter Island neighbors of Prescott
Bush at Jupiter Island, Florida.]

Hopsicker then brings us back to Florida where Jeb Bush was installed
as governor to oversee the state's political infrastructure, as well
as to supervise one vertex of the triangular trade--the other two
being the Texas region, primarily Houston, and the Southern California
area headquartered in San Diego.

--- In, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When black helicopters fly around your fence line, shining searchlights
> in your windows, the racket will wake your neighbors. Let them call
> police; you won't need to ask them to. Video is great, too. Digitize to
> mp3 file and upload to youtube. Neuros makes the cheapest digitizer I
> know of.
> Cabazon, Earl Brian, Hadron, Cinque, Manson, Patty Hearst, Symbionese
> Liberation Army, MKULTRA Monarch, PROMIS, Inslaw.
> -Bob
> --- In, "Rachel" <desertfae@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
> > Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
> > triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
> > Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
> > going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were
> murdered.
> > I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
> > surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
> > people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
> > Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
> > investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
> > point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
> > phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
> > my windows.
> > I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
> > people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
> > book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
> > sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
> > into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
> > book from anyone that has read it in this group.
> > Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
> > running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
> > Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
> > weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
> > was also a reg visitor at the time.
> > I guess thats my intro and my questions so far.
> > thanks,
> > Rachel aka desertfae
> >
> >

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