I ran across this group based on a review on the book Barry and The
Boys. I received an email today that said this book mentions the
triple homicide my dad was murdered in-the Alvarez triple execution.
Fred was my dad's best friend and they were about to expose what was
going on at the Cabazon rez when my dad, Fred, and Patty were murdered. 
I'm also exposing all of what happened at the rez and all things
surrounding it, as well as all the other murders that happened due to
people either looking into their murder or the things surrounding it.
Because of this, I've had multiple weird things happen to me while
investigating this from having black helicopters circle my house and
point a gun at me (it's on video), to being followed, receiving weird
phone calls, having my car lines cut, and having weird guys peeking in
my windows. 
I haven't read this book but I'm told it has many of the same names of
people I've been investigating and the person that told me about the
book told me that RBN said in the book in an Inslaw document of some
sort that someone in the CIA was sent to stop the FBI from looking
into their murder. I'd like to verify this is true before getting this
book from anyone that has read it in this group. 
Also, from my investigation I've found that it was more than just drug
running and arms deals that was going on, other things such as the
Iran-contra affair, Inslaw affair, child trafficking, biological
weapon research etc were going on there.. not to mention that Osama
was also a reg visitor at the time.
I guess thats my intro and my questions so far. 
Rachel aka desertfae

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