> Is this procedure for Gnome or for another desktop environment?
Sorry, I use KDE and didn't know that in Gnome you couldn't do it.
I found this plugin x Nautilus that looks convenient and easy to use:


But I've seen that it has only .deb packages and so you'll have to
compile the source yourself.

Always for Ubuntu (I don't know if it's ok for OpenSuse) you can
create a script manually. In the Desktop you create the launcher file,
for example:


whose content is:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open (this path is good for Ubuntu, I don't know if
it changes in OpenSuse)

[Desktop Entry]
Terminal=true (or "false" if you don't want a terminal window to open
automatically as well)
Name=CinGG (or whatever you want to call it....)
Comment= (if you want to add your comment)

Remember to make the appimage executable with:

chmod +x cin_for_newer_distros.AppImage

At this point, simply double-click on the CinGG.desktop icon to launch it.

When a new appimage comes up you just have to replace its name in
"Exec=..." row.
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