Alan Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha escrito:

On Saturday 07 April 2007 18:07, Joe Friedrichsen wrote:
On 4/7/07, Alan Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have some files that I would like to edit that have been created
> as .avi containers with an mpeg4 video stream and an mp3 audio.
> When I attempt to load them as a resource in Cinelerra it seems to
> think that they are only audio
> I tried convering them to .mov files using ffmpeg and to load them
> into cinelerra that way.  Then I get the video, but the audio shows
> as complete silence.
> I am not sure what it the right way to hold both audio and video
> streams in a single file so that cinelerra can load them in for
> editing.  Can someone helpme out here.

There are a few hints in the docs:
5.html#SEC63 ,

I had already read that quite carefully - but its quite confusing.  For
instance it say audio formats are WAV, PCM, AIFF and AC3, but then it
talks about .mov format.

mov is a container which contains a video codec and an audio codec, what happens is that your video codec mpeg4 is not recocnize by cinelerra (probably due to encoder that was used)

try this:

$ mencoder -of avi -o cinelerra.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2500 your_archive.avi



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