On Saturday 07 April 2007 19:44, Joe Friedrichsen wrote:
> On 4/7/07, Alan Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Saturday 07 April 2007 18:07, Joe Friedrichsen wrote:
> > > There are a few hints in the docs:
> > > http://cvs.cinelerra.org/docs/split_manual_en/cinelerra_cv_manual
> > >_en_ 5.html#SEC63 ,
> >
> > I had already read that quite carefully - but its quite confusing. 
> > For instance it say audio formats are WAV, PCM, AIFF and AC3, but
> > then it talks about .mov format.
> Yes, this is a fine distinction to make. mov/avi/asf/wmv are
> containers not codecs. wav/pcm/aiff/ac3 are codecs not containers. An
> avi can have any of a multitude of video/audio codecs. Some avis may
> have DivX video with mp3 audio, others will have x264 video and ac3
> audio, and there are heaps of other combinations. Filename extensions
> typically don't tell you what kind of video and audio you actually
> have.
> It's like a lunch box: there's a container for your food (video) and
> drink (audio). You can't really see what's for lunch until you open
> it. And Cinelerra can be said to be a vegan -- she only likes some
> kinds of foods and drinks, and only in certain kinds of lunch boxes
> (you know, ones without animal byproducts :-).
> mov and avi are good containers cinelerra. DV and pcm are good
> codecs. These I know from experience.
> Flash video and its container (flv) is not supported by Cinelerra,
> afaik. You will need to transcode into some other container and
> codecs.
> ffmpeg -i youtube.flv -acodec ac3 -vcodec mpeg4 -y video.mov

Thats for getting off youtube, but the stuff I have already (and 
sometimes youtube has deleted) I already use ffmpeg to encode it so ...

ffmpeg -f flv -i "$TITLE.flv" -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -b 800k -g 300 -bf 
2 -acodec mp3 -ab 128 "$TITLE.avi"

(thats all one line - mail program has word wrapped it)
is a snippet from my fetch script.

So I now have an avi with mpeg4 and mp3 streams in them.  This, when 
loaded in cinelerra only shows the audio.

So now I tried 

ffmpeg -i $TITLE.avi -acodec ac3 -vcodec mpeg4 -y $TITLE.mov

and I (I think) get the same file your comand gives.

And I get a resource in which cinelerra sees both some video and audio. 
However if I load that file into the timeline I see it all - 
but "playing" shows the video and no sound.

What I then did was load both the avi and mov resources, and put them on 
the timeline by removing the mov sound and replacing it with the avi 
sound.  The combination gives me my stuff back.

> or, failing that:
> ffmpeg -i youtube.flv -acodec ac3 -vodec mpeg2video -y video.mpg

This fails when converting from my .avi file rather than the .flv source

Alan Chandler

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