One of my fears about cinelerra is that there are a lot of git code branches 
out there, each doing its own thang, and I wonder how much good effort will 
ultimately be effectively wasted. Looking at
is enough to make most people's head swim at what's available. Look at one of 
the descriptions:
"ct  My branch/fork of cinelerra. Fixes, code cleanup and redesing regardless 
of upstream mergability." My fear is that Cinelerra wont progress, but will 
just move around in circles, with users being left to decide which branch might 
best suit their needs.

I almost feel there should be a committee of developers, perhaps like the PEP 
proposals of Python, or soemthing. Its purpose it to access one fact - the 
intergrability of any change. We basically want to know if any change will 
conflict with the change of anyone else, and work out ways of mitigating the 

Just thinking out loud, you understand.

----- Original Message ----
From: Christian Thaeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August, 2007 11:28:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone?

The downside is that we massively lack developers, unfortunally many
previous contributors fallen away because they finished university, got
new jobs or whatever. We aim to make cinelerra3 a open project where
anyone can join and help as much as possible! If you are coder and
interested, just join us.

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