Martin Ellison wrote:
I should also add, in regard to the icon controversy:

The user interface should be organized around the user's workflow (that is, the workflow of whoever is editing the video using Cinelerra) . The important thing is that they are able to manipulate the workspace (the media assets, the clips, the EDL) in the way most conducive to producing the right output. The visual appearance of the interface is important to the extent that it facilitates or hinders that purpose eg can the user find thae function that they need by looking at the icons? is the interface clear and easy to read?

I would toss out there that beyond even actual usability, in my experience a polished look to an application can make a bigger difference than it "should." Don't underestimate the psychological effect that a friendly, professional looking GUI has on a user. For a tool like Cinelerra, which already has a steep, steep learning curve, it's somewhat important to give as many hints to a new user that it's going to work out in the end.

I certainly understand that in a developer resource-constrained project like this, it's probably better to focus on core functionality until that's pretty solid. The plan I saw described recently seems reasonable, and as someone who's probably not going to contribute to development any time soon, I'm not going to make any demands... I would just suggest that users often find instabilities more tolerable if the rest of the interface seems to have been well-designed.

Thanks to the devs and everyone for a great project.


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