On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Herman Robak wrote:
>   However, that would not suit your usecase.  For you, it would be
> convenient if the transition _ended_ at the edit point.

When I'm syncing the transitions to music I normally want the start of the
transition to occur on the beat, so I hope that the current behaviour will
remain available even if there's an option created for something else.

I think what the original poster is missing is that while a transition is
occurring, you are really displaying both clips on the screen at once.
In effect there are two tracks even if it only shows on the timeline as
one, and the clips must overlap.  There's no getting around the fact that
the source material must include frames past the point where the
transition starts.  If you try to do transitions from the very end of one
clip to the very start of another, then of course you're going to have
problems and there's not much the system can really do about it; you're
saying "Display this clip all the way to the last frame, and then keep
displaying it for one second more, but oh no, don't you dare freeze the
frame during that time!"  Is it supposed to create frames from thin air?

Automatically reducing the clip's length by the length of the transition
to create the overlap may help, but only if you don't care about the
overall length of the clip; it would mean that two one-minute clips
combine to be 1:59 in length.  When doing music sync I *do* care about the
overall length, so clipping a second off would be extremely inconvenient.

I think it is the usual expected case that the clip you put on the
timeline won't be an entire video file up to the last frame - that's not
how video editing is normally done.  Remember that an edit isn't a file,
it's a chunk selected from a file.  Normally one would have some extra
frames on either side (the director says "Lights, camera, action," the
clapboard claps, the actors do their thing, the director says "cut," and
you only use the bit in the middle) and so it shouldn't be the default to
expect that the clip will go all the way up to the last frame of the
source footage.

If things were designed such that transitions went between tracks instead
of between edits on the same track, that might make it a lot easier to
understand.  I think it would mean an architectural change, though.
Matthew Skala
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Embrace and defend.

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