On Sat, 02 Feb 2008 16:11:46 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Herman Robak wrote:
  However, that would not suit your usecase.  For you, it would be
convenient if the transition _ended_ at the edit point.

When I'm syncing the transitions to music I normally want the start of the transition to occur on the beat, so I hope that the current behaviour will
remain available even if there's an option created for something else.

I think what the original poster is missing is that while a transition is
occurring, you are really displaying both clips on the screen at once.
In effect there are two tracks even if it only shows on the timeline as
one, and the clips must overlap.

 In my opinion, as user should not have to understand this in order to
use transitions.  My rationale for proposing alternative behaviours on
the transition effect is that such a common effect should be immediately
usable to naive and lazy users.
 The align-on-end approach will always work without surprises, and will
be the safest way for the user who has lax requirements on the timing:
A user who just drops uncut clips on the timeline, and puts transitions
between them.

 My suggested before-mid-after snapping is not a truly general feature.
For ultimate flexibility a transition should be freely moveable.  After
all, moving the _edit_ point to adjust a transition is not The Right
Thing.  You may have found an edit point that is well timed without
a transition, and that information should be preserved.

But I'm not sure how useable a freely slideable transition would be.

Herman Robak

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