What is the soonest a usable app could be created?

I realize there are a few variables here: 1) what is considered usable, and 2) how much funding is provided to 3) how many people are able to work.

For my purposes, usable is something I can use to edit raw video footage and create 30 min youtube uploads - here are 13: http://youtube.com/pycon08

Figure funding between $1000 usd and... 5k?

Here is the scoop: I am the AV guy for the US PyCon. in 07 we spent 20k, (none of that was for recording), in march 08 we spent 30-50k (depending on what is included, like over 5k to provide power to all 1000 laptops.) pretty sure we spent 12k for the video cameras, tapes, labor which resulted in about 150 hours of raw footage. the capture was very inconsistent - the hope was 1 file per talk, but the reality was a mix of 1 65gig file per day, a few 20gig files that contain 3 or 4 talks, some 13g that are just one talk, and a few dirs of 1g files made from 1 hour tapes and dvgrab's default settings.

Another hope was to get this stuff edited/published by now, but I only have release forms from about 1/2 the speakers, and I still don't have a good backup of the 3TB of .dv files. There are about 5 volunteers that are waiting for me to ship them a 1TB drive of files, and then they will use their favorite video editor to single out the footage for a single 30 min talk and render it into something appropriate for youtube.

For March 09 I expect we will spend about 20k for video recording. I would also like to encourage talk proposals to include a video of the talk being done at a local user group meeting, or recorded privately. Right now I can't really encourage, because I can't justify anyone investing in the current video editing options. (iMovie is good enough, but that only covers 1/2 our population, asking people to purchase is out of the question, Cin is just too unstable and if Lumiera is going to be here soon, that seems to be the app to invest time learning. Maybe one of the other FOSS apps would be acceptable, but I figure if I am going to recommend something, it should be the best of breed, not something with a ceiling.)

If the Lumiera devs would use raw PyCon footage to do 'real world usage testing' that would also get the content up on youtube, that would help show that the money was being spent on something that has direct value to PyCon.

So, if injecting some cash (or a laptop) into the Lumiera project will help the PyCon video project, lets talk.

Carl K

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