Why don't you just set up a PAypal ? I mean do you really need to go through these complex set ups (charity etc.)? I am quite happy to forward a contribution for Lumiera. And if you drink it ... good on you ! ;-) Cheers

Christian Thaeter wrote:
Yama Ploskonka wrote:
When following this thread what I saw in my mind was a "bounty" system, negotiated between donor and coder, with merely as a site where the information gets posted. No overhead, no bureaucrateze, etc.

I believe that is what you are pointing at, Christian, and I might follow up with that idea on my own for the project I invest most of my time in, which is OLPC for Bolivia.

One requisite for success here is that "projects" be broken up into small enough pieces that a single donor, or a small number of them can make them happen, and they can be requests (I want this done. I offer $xxx) or proposals (I think this need to get done, and I'll do it. It will cost $xxx, can someone pitch in?), or suggestions(I think this need to get done, can someone budget it or get it done as a volunteer).

I guess that what I am saying everyone knows, but as a noob I needed to spell it out so _I_ could understand it...

The problem with bounty systems is that they only work well for limited things which are *isolated* and *optional* and *directly experienceable* by users.

In Lumiera we are working on groundwork, design, infrastructure and backend things, all these are mandatory, bounty or not, without them it will never work. We can't risk things like "Code Documentation" or "Project Serialization" or "Rendering core" on a bounty, this just has to be done (and work is underway) whenever we can communicate this to users or not. At some point when Lumiera basically works we might setup some Bounties for optional features. But I think there is also a danger that bounties can be rather counterproductive, high rated user features like "add a GUI button for X" or "add support for codec Y" might be low hanging fruits with a good design and be cherry picked by some coder, while the ones who done the hard (but unseen) groundwork don't benefit from it. Bounties promote competition and not cooperation in a bad way, the one who implements it fastest for the lowest price will take it. That is quite unfortunate for a free software community.

That saied, bounties look bad, but indeed they are not, they just don't work for anything and they are only one kind of tool to supplement free software financing, while the overall goal should be to create a community where everyone feels fair treated, developers and users.



I could imagine to set up an website where donors can make non-obligatory 'promises' about an amount of money the would offer on a per-project or general base. When it is forseeable that a goal becomes realizeable the donors are contacted to acknowlege their offering, when then enough people acknowledged it, then the thing gets done, means people can send money in 'acceptable' ways (For me that would be bank transfer, or maybe I could activate a paypal account, I also need to checkout this When a donation is recieved it is tagged as that on the website, so everyone can transparently see how it works and how much money got donated. Maybe it turns out this way that some 'Projects' are not realizeable because there are not enough offerings to reach the Goal, such projects might then stay uncompleted or withdrawn.

Does this sound ok?

And of course I would be proud if such a system works for others too and me and my laptop won't be the only thing there. Finally it is always cool when free software manages to feed some developers, Lumiera is still far from that, but maybe some day this becomes true.


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