sön 2008-06-15 klockan 17:57 +0200 skrev Christian Thaeter:
> Ichthyostega wrote:
> > Martin Ahnelöv schrieb:
> >> There is a service that does exactly what you describe:
> >> https://www.fundable.com/ . It have worked great in some of the project
> >> that I've been watching.
> >>
> > 
> > Looks like an almost perfect fit -- just only they demand 7% fee.
> > OK, it depends on the context. But if you withdraw the collected funds
> > by Paypal, you'll have to pay additional paypal fees (really? not sure,
> > but I recall about 2-3% plus 2.5% additional fee on the currency
> > exchange rate).
> Urgs, I think we can do better by just setting up a website for us. I 
> also don't like the inflexibility there (deadline, fixed money amount).
> For example in the case of my laptop I would choose a model depending on 
> the money I could gain in resonable time and try to get some more money 
> elsewhere. I could also promise 100Eur if some developer has a real 
> emergency (house burned down or whatever), trying to raise funds for a 
> laptop is not an real emergency but rather a quest if a donation model 
> is viable.

Ah, I didn't look so closely at the fine print, but those are all valid
reasons to look for a different solution.


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