On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Jeff Gerritsen <j...@jeffgerritsen.us>wrote:
> 1. Build a new linux box, load a 64 bit operating system distro.
> 2. Dedicate this box only to cinelerra and run the 64 bit version.
> 3. This means to compile the latest version from svn.
> 4. Optimize this box for Cinelerra only.  That is only install the
> needed operating system and features that cinelerra needs.  No more no
> less.

That seems like the way to go to me. Given what you get with cinelerra, it
doesn't seem outrageous to reserve an entire OS install for it. The trick is
to pick the OS that everyone else (especially the devs) are using, so that
you can submit bug reports that are easy for them to reproduce.

What is the best OS to run on then?

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