Given what you get with cinelerra, it doesn't seem outrageous to reserve an entire OS install for it.
That idea is so good, that someone has already done it. And made that OS distro a live CD, so you can try it without an installation. Well, it's not exactly an entire OS for Cinelerra alone, but for all kinds of publishing-type of applications. Cinelerra included, of course.

That is how I started off with Cinelerra. And also learned about other tools, which are included as well.

My preference, as usual, is Fedora, 64-bit. It has a lot of annoying little bugs that I've worked through. But isn't that the joy of it though? (not really)

Once up and running, Cinelerra is solid, with the usual caveat that you have to know what works and what doesn't to get usable content out of it.

If you've got VMware installed, I've got a couple of Fedora VMware virtual machines built fully configured with a working version of Cinelerra that are available to download.

Fedora Core 6, 32-bit (1.1GB):

Fedora 10, x86-64 (3GB):

root pswd on them is crazedmule


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