I have a project with a number of still pictures that I want to use the "Ken Burns" effect on. I know how to use the camera to do this, and this part works fine. Where I have trouble is in the transitions between stills....

If I just use "jump" cuts between stills, there are about 2 frames where I have the wrong camera settings. This seems to be because Cinelerra can not instantaneously (i.e., at the beginning of 1 frame) change the camera settings. I understand why this might be, but... It would be great if at a frame interface there could be 2 settings for the camera. In other words, and instantaneous jump from one set of settings to another, so that there are no "bad" frames where I have the wrong camera settings.

In case my description is confusing, take a simple example where the first picture has a 'Z' setting of 1.5, and the next picture has a 'Z' setting of 2.0. We're rendering along happily at 1.5, and then cut to a new picture. The closest I can get the new 'Z' setting is 1 or 2 frames away, and this means that there are 2 frames of the new picture with the old or an intermediate 'Z' setting.

I would be happy to look at the code to see what's going on, if the experts on this list think that what I want is even possible?

(Sorry, I posted this earlier with the wrong email address :(  )

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