> > As an alternative, one could think of cascading the settings like in CSS
> > from a global track perspective down to a local file perspective - where
> > local overrides global.
> Yeah, here you give sort-of a summary of what we're building in Lumiera.
> Settings can be applied at multiple levels. These places, were settings
> can be attached and objects can be placed are organised into a tree-like
> structure of nested Scopes, with local settings shadowing global ones.
> Automation data is just another kind of object and can be placed, attached
> and arranged in the same way as clips, effects, labels

That's all I wanted to hear.  As long as you can set adjustments on
individual clips on a track (a single leaf on a branch on your tree), it
doesn't matter to me if you also have a more global track (root, trunk,
or branch) settings.  I agree that it does make for better design as you
describe it.  

And of course, you are right in pointing out that it is not just the GUI
where software design decisions are made.  

Glad to hear that all.   

best -august.

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