On 01/26/2011 12:44 PM, Ichthyostega.. wrote:
Am 26.01.2011 16:02, schrieb yosepkey:
Anyone know of a fork of cinelerra. If I knew, I'd make one.

Anyone interested?
Hi Yosepkey,

some months ago there was a bit of discussion amongst the remaining active
devs of the Cinelerra-CV version (which is the topic of this mailinglist).
It wasn't really conclusive, but the general tenor was that is is OK to
diverge maybe a bit more from the "upstream" Version from HV. There where
several ideas -- mostly it seems that active "manpower" and thus a more
long-term oriented initiative beyond just fixing this and that bug is what
is lacking most.

Besides that, you're probably also already aware that the Lumiera project
is an outgrow of an attempt to make a general overhaul and cleanup of the
Cinelerra codebase, initially started as "Cinelerra-3" in 2007.

Besides that -- excuse me, I'm asking just out of curiosity -- why do you
especially consider to fork Cinelerra, instead of joining Openmovieeditor,
KDEnlive or PiTiVi (or put any of the other promising young projects here)?

Hermann Vosseler
(aka "Ichthyo")

Cinelerra mailing list

Here's what I wish, since we are talking about want's. I wish some really smart programmer would write a program that could Analise a video file and tell you exactly what is wrong with it. Every now and then I do a video and there is an error in the file and I can't find it. Usually I wind up starting over again. Most of the time I don't know there is a problem untill I try to burn to DVD or upload to U-tube. Doug

Cinelerra mailing list

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