My idea is to make cinelerra more pleasing to the eye and more functional. As
an example of pleasing to the eye, OpenShot. As an example of more
functional, cutting files button, more effective or better (eg the blurring
of the transitions), improved file management, because the internal ffmpeg
gives very bad results, and could support the external ffmpeg and quicktime
for linux.

Everything I say this without knowledge, is more of an idea.

I know that the graphical environment is internal cinelerra, but that
creates problems, I think it could use qt or gtk.

I have done something to OpenShot (an effect, but really did not do
anything because
they already had mlt). And OpenShot is betting very heavily on the 3D, but does
not reach to the power of cinelerra on other things.

OpenShot, PiTiVi and Kdenlive are based on MLT, which is fine, but I think
that cinelerra is better. (is my opinion).

I imagine an aspect of OpenShot, with the power of cinelerra, more 3D, and
some improvements, and it would incredible.

I thought it not worthwhile to complicate your life, because for simple
things, you are no alternatives, and more complicated things are supposed to
Lightworks will someday, I'd love to try.


2011/1/26 Douglas Pollard <>

> On 01/26/2011 12:44 PM, Ichthyostega.. wrote:
>> Am 26.01.2011 16:02, schrieb yosepkey:
>>> Anyone know of a fork of cinelerra. If I knew, I'd make one.
>>> Anyone interested?
>> Hi Yosepkey,
>> some months ago there was a bit of discussion amongst the remaining active
>> devs of the Cinelerra-CV version (which is the topic of this mailinglist).
>> It wasn't really conclusive, but the general tenor was that is is OK to
>> diverge maybe a bit more from the "upstream" Version from HV. There where
>> several ideas -- mostly it seems that active "manpower" and thus a more
>> long-term oriented initiative beyond just fixing this and that bug is what
>> is lacking most.
>> Besides that, you're probably also already aware that the Lumiera project
>> is an outgrow of an attempt to make a general overhaul and cleanup of the
>> Cinelerra codebase, initially started as "Cinelerra-3" in 2007.
>> Besides that -- excuse me, I'm asking just out of curiosity -- why do you
>> especially consider to fork Cinelerra, instead of joining Openmovieeditor,
>> KDEnlive or PiTiVi (or put any of the other promising young projects
>> here)?
>> Cheers,
>> Hermann Vosseler
>> (aka "Ichthyo")
>> _______________________________________________
>> Cinelerra mailing list
>>  Here's what I wish, since we are talking about want's.  I wish some
> really smart programmer would write a program that could Analise a video
> file and tell you exactly what is wrong with it.  Every now and then I do a
> video and there is an error in the file and I can't find it.  Usually I wind
> up starting over again.  Most of the time I don't know there is a problem
> untill I try to burn to DVD or upload to U-tube.
>                    Doug
> _______________________________________________
> Cinelerra mailing list

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