Le mercredi 18 janvier 2012 à 09:03 +0100, Michal Fapso a écrit :
> Great, the YUV effect works much better than Saturation. The result is
> now quite comparable with Avidemux.
> I turned down the camera's bitrate because we were on a 1 month trip
> with only a 32GB card, so I sacrificed some quality to be able to make
> more shots. On most of other occasions, 32GB is more than enough :o)
> Thanks a lot, Herman.
> > There is blocking noise in that video, too.  Particulary near the
> > top of the image, where the image _should_ be smooth.
> >
> > My experience with DSLRs is that a hand-held camera and moderately
> > complex scenes cause noticeable compression artifacts.  So I would
> > _not_ have turned down the bitrate, if I were you.  Just sayin' :->
> >
> >
> > --
> > Herman Robak
> >
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While following this thread and experimenting on my own, I stumble on
something... When I apply the inverse video plugin, I dont get the same
result if my project's color model is RGB or YUV. It seems as if the
plugin simply reverse each channel without considering if the color
model is RGB or YUV. If your color model is RGB then the plugin work
right and each chanel/color is inverted. However if your color model is
YUV then the first channel is Y and it get inverted if you select the
"invert R". Finally if you invert all three channel RGB you get the same
result whether your color model is YUV or RGB.

Looking up in the invert.c I'm suspecting that when the color model is
YUV the plugin does not provide a conversion of YUV to the RGB before
applying the plugin or a conversion of the effect from RGB to YVU to
appy to the YUV stream. Can anyone confirm?

On an other note ( I could not find the C41 thread) I manage to make
picon_png.h file for use in a plugin by coping the pngtoh.c form the
guicast directory to an other directory. Build it with 
gcc pngtoh.c -o pngtoh.o
made pngtoh.o executable, and used 
pngtoh.o picon.png
to make the pngtoh.c file


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