Hi listers,
Im actually a newbie to this list. Could someone tell me how Im getting my mail trafficked onto my exchange server. The reason why Im asking is this my domin is hosted by some ISP somewhere in US but our corporate HQ is somewhere in Asia forget bout where we are sitting!
We are (HQ) hooked to the Internet thro a local ISP on a dedicated link using "global static IP addresses" for browsing and for mailing through our MS-Exchange mail server. Im just wondering how they go together I find that my www.xxxxx.com address is different from the ones given by our local IP address range.
If a mail arises in where do they travel go across before reaching my mail server?
How the hosting of "www site" and the mail server which are with different ISPs in differrent part of world are goes together ofcourse with all the ftp,dns stuffs.
Can someone pour some light to this I will be very much grateful to them....

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